"Catastasis" (instrumental single )

Background notes about the single "Catastasis" (instrumental single ) by Franskaya


Catastasis - An electronic music single by Franskaya. 'Catastasis' is an instrumental electronic music piece featuring artificial spoken voices, written in November 2014, that explores the theme of death. The piece is highly experimental in its extensive use of countless sound effects.

Cover image of the music single Catastasis by Franskaya

Title: Catastasis

Concept: "Catastasis" is an experimental instrumental music track that explores the theme of death

Track Length: 5:08

Tempo: N/D

Publication date: 04 janvier  2015

ISRC: uscgj1520755

Listen here: Spotify, Apple Music, Youtube, Tidal, Deezer

Context and thoughts on production:

While composing this piece and crafting its minimalist lyrics, I was confronted with distressing news ⏤ a fatal illness had struck my sister, who would be taken away too young.

The title "Catastasis" imposed itself during the creative process. While working on the track, I stumbled upon this word by chance in a Google search. In Greek, "catastasis" refers to the part of a play that precedes the catastrophe.

The piece was released just one month before her passing.

In the face of impending death, my sister exhibited remarkable peace, serenity, and strength, becoming a source of comfort for the many loved ones around her who love and will always love her.

Cover image of the music single Catastasis by Franskaya


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