What is Solipsynthm?

Music | par Franskaya

Franskaya's Blog

In the eclectic world of electronic music, Franskaya unexpectedly discovered one day that he had been classified in the "Solipsynthm" artist category, a genre defined by Spotify to describe "solo laptop experimentalists". This surprising discovery for the artist resulted from an unexpected classification on everynoise.com, a Spotify-affiliated site that catalogs musical genres. Franskaya, known for his experimental approach, initially resisted being defined in this way but eventually realized that he quite embodies the spirit of Solipsynthm. This new and unconventional genre, blending synthpop, disco, and funk, emphasizes introspection and individual experience.

Unveiling Solipsynthm

A Surprising Discovery

You've probably never heard of this peculiar name for a musical genre: "Solipsynthm." Spotify coined this term to categorize artists who are "solo laptop experimentalists". Let's delve into the story of how I discovered my status as a "Solipsynthm" artist, as designated by Spotify.

Mandala created by Frakao to illustrate Franskaya's article on Solipsynthm
Mandala created by Frakao to illustrate Franskaya's article on Solipsynthm

The Solipsynthm Revelation

It was quite a revelation to find out that Spotify had classified Franskaya's music under the unusual genre name "solipsynthm." Such a curious name for a music genre! It was entirely new to me.

My quest to discover the musical genre Spotify had placed my music in began when I visited everynoise.com and typed "Franskaya" into the search field. Clicking on the "solipsynthm" link, I stumbled upon a cloud of artists and musicians, including Franskaya, my artist pseudonym. Their site features an artist profile page for all artists listed in their database, including Franskaya.

Screenshot of Franskaya appearing in the Solipsynthm genre on Everynoise in 2023
Screenshot of Franskaya appearing in the Solipsynthm genre on Everynoise in 2023

To say I was surprised is an understatement. Initially, I was... perplexed.

Firstly, no one had consulted me or sought my opinion on this classification. Secondly, many solipsynthm artists seemed stylistically distant from me at first glance. Luxxury and Mystery Skulls for example, offer a very different sound from mine.

Moreover, the variable quality of several artists' productions led me to question this categorization further.

Solipsynthm: Unveiling the Name

I closed the browser, put it all aside, and forgot about it for several months. At the time, reviving the Franskaya project after a 5-year hiatus was still just an idea.

Then, in early 2023, determined to relaunch the Franskaya project after having set it aside for so long, I repeated the same exercise. I returned to everynoise.com and found the same classification: Franskaya categorized under Solipsynthm.

Clic to play Amitiées Égarées in the streaming platform of your choice

A bit more curious this time, I tried to delve deeper. Clicking on the hamburger menu, I discovered another page listing musical genres related to solipsynthm, many with equally strange names.

On the left, there was a Spotify playlist titled "The Sound of Solipsynthm", featuring my track "Amitiés égarées" at the 95th position.

A quick search in the Spotify app led me to another automated playlist by the platform, titled "Solipsynthm Mix", where "Naanis" was at the 10th position and "Cyberwinds" at the 24th as of February 13, 2023. As I write this article, I find "Catastasis" in second position on Kyleparham "Solipsynthm Mix" playlist, which also includes Amitiés Égarées, Cyberwinds and Naanis.

Amitiés Égarées single by Franskaya is in second position in Spotify's playlist Solipsynthm Mix by Kyleparham as of 2023-08-28!
Amitiés Égarées by Franskaya is in second position in Kyleparham's playlist "Solipsynthm" Mix! Screenshot of the playlist in Spotify as of 2023-08-28. Click to play!

What is Solipsynthm?

According to analysts at Spotify, solipsynthm is a musical genre for "solo laptop experimentalists".

This unusual name combines the words 'solipsism' and 'synth,' for synthesizer.

Solipsism refers to a philosophical position where the self is the only reality. According to this concept, the self, with its perceptions, sensations, and feelings, constitutes the only existing reality of which one can be certain. This word, borrowed from Latin, comprises the root "solus" (alone) and "ipse" (self, in person) and the suffix "ism," indicating a doctrine or quality.

According to Chosic :

Solipsynthm is a genre of electronic music that blends elements of synthpop, disco, and funk. The music is characterized by its upbeat tempo, catchy melodies, and the use of synthesizers and drum machines. The lyrics often explore themes of self-reflection and introspection, focusing on the individual experience. The genre has gained popularity in recent years, with an increasing number of artists incorporating solipsynthm elements into their music.

Embracing the Genre Assigned by Spotify

Initially, I was surprised to learn I had been categorized in this genre. But since I play solo, always in the studio and never live, experimenting a lot with sounds, I agree that "solipsynthm" is a fitting term to describe my experimental electronic music, which is hard to classify anyway.

Portrait of Franskaya, music producer and composer from Quebec, Canada


Blogger, author, artist, Franskaya is also a songwriter, sound technician, and music producer from Quebec, Canada. Don't miss the next post by following him on his Facebook page or click here to learn more about the author of this article.

Cover image of the music single Induxatur by Franskaya


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